Saturday, July 31, 2010

got home from a big night partying (not doing these there not mine) couldnt sleep so i masked these in Ps thinking it was cool
like the graff is the only thing that brings life to a wall or anything these days.
there not v good but.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Made this too

I made this in Ps the other night. Its good as a wallpaper because its so bright and colourful but unlike most hella bright coloured ones you can keep it as you bg and it doesn't get on your nerves because it has good contrast with the black i think.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Photoshop prac.

So if I stop using a program I forget how to use it in like 1 millisecond so I decided to do some Photoshop prac tonight, I grabed a wallpaper off /wg/ yeah 4chan. As you can see the one i got from /wg/ was plain orange so what I wanted to do was make it multicolor like lot of ppl do with wallpapers. The thing which took some messing around was getting the masks right with the right colour underneath so it blended to the right colour i turned out to be about 35 layers lol.

Hope you like it, maybe even use it?
and if anyone out there want something done to a wallpaper or picture they have let me now maybe i could help.


Thursday, July 8, 2010


Something this cool artist did, and naturally like all good graff it was legal.

Heres a link if the gif isnt giffin along:
